Wednesday 16 September 2009

Vintage Balloonage..

A Vintage Fayre I attended; when looking through the photos I took there seemed to be a reoccurring theme of balloons and I liked these selection of photos as a group...

Sunday 13 September 2009

Babies are for life, not just the weekend...

A task to incorporate a toy baby into a photo which has something to do with the theme of our work for A2 Photography...

I am a big Audrey Hepburn fan, she was nicknamed
'the girl with the eyes' in her acting career and I thought it was quite fitting because the baby I was using had beautifully blue eyes. Audrey Hepburn was a huge family woman, she would spend as much time as possible with her children whilst juggling her career and would never neglet them. The first photo I liked the angle of but I really wanted to have the blue eyes of the baby in the photo somewhere so I took the second photo and using (POLISH!!) PhotoShop layered the pictures. I changed the colours slightly to match better which I think worked and I also previously cloned the bag in PhotoShop to get rid of the distracting 'Boots' logo.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Documenting a piece of Theatre...

A play my sister was in, I couldn't use flash which initially panicked me but after a while I enjoyed it and doing it made me more confident and now im not a fan of using flash!!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

A Wee Trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival...

The Fringe Festival was amazing, the atmosphere was incredible, everything was alive and smiling no matter what the time was. I didn't even bother carrying my camera case around because there was just too much to photograph all the time.

An overly tattooed man was sat on a bus by himself. He was on before we got on and stayed on after we left and he didn't look as though he had any intention of moving. He was quite scary looking but so hard not to stare at and wonder about all the stories his body art told. He was slumped on the bus just as his arm was slumped over the chair infront, the many tattoos I thought paralleling with the many cars in the background, all with different places and stories.

I touched the picture up slightly in Photoshop because I couldn't spend lots of time playing with settings on the bus so it was slightly dim and the tattoo colours less visible.

I photographed such a sentimental and personal message, simply scrolled onto the side of a building for anyone to see and wonder about who Adem was. I wondered why this building in the backstreets of Edinburgh was chosen and whether council would be heartless enough to have it cleaned off?

In contrast to this emotive message, this sign in a festival venue was very obviously being disobeyed... I stopped for a while, hoping to get a shot of the man taking a drag but after seeing how little of the cigarette was left and receiving some odd looks from his companion I settled with this shot, quite liking the way he appears to be looking away from the sign with his nose in the air as if to blatently point out there was no way he was going to stop smoking because the sign had said to.

The next few images are ones I took which I like, be it because of what's happening in the picture, the colours, composition or emotions of people captured...

And then she got bored with having the same titles so called it 'London'...

I went to London with my family to see 'Oliver!' which provided a great opportunity to take photographs.

I just happened to lean over a bridge and capture this shot, the contrast in colours caught my eye and the child just looked so lost, as if all the other kids at the party had run away. Your eye is lead into the photo by the angle the wall is at and how it meets with the lighter grey shade at a diagonal, the very spot the boy is walking to.

There was alot of street theatre by the Thames which was great to watch but I became quite fascinated with surveying the audiences' reactions and photographing them rather than the actual acts. These children got asked to help out in one of the acts, they had never met before but were so comfortable with holding hands and showed no embarressment which amused me because in a few years time I bet it'll be a different story! I was pleased with how the pictures came out with the foreground in focus, it highlights the main part of the images.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

And then there were two...

The balloon idea came about because I was looking at Circuses -such interesting events to photograph - and whilst mucking about and making a balloon sword it got me thinking about things that are shown to be something but actually are something else. Theatre, (something I am really hooked on) can seem so real and the characters so believeable and yet they are not what or who they seem to be whilst on stage.

And then there was one post...

I began the summer determind to work on my technical skills using my camera so did some experimenting with shutter speed and not using flash but still trying to capture a moving object. I wanted the object to seem as though it was moving but the background to be still. Ooo photog chums please shell out any tips you have on this matter because these photos didn't turn out great...

And so it began...

I'v got to say, photography's become a big part of my life. I'm always skipping about and then I see something, be it a scene, an object or a moment just so mesmorising that it would be a crime not to catch on camera... These always seem to be the times I've come out without my camera.
Even so, I carry on looking for other unique moments and when I manage to get a shot of them they become some of my favourite photos. ..I have more to write here but my essay draft is on my memory stick which I left at school yesterday... so bear with..